«Take care
of your


The Campaign

Healthy Gums are Quality of Life!

Why healthy-gums.ch?

The "Healthy Gums" campaign raises awareness about the importance of gum health and provides valuable information on preventing and treating gum diseases. Gum diseases affect everyone: Gingivitis and periodontitis are widespread and can lead to severe health problems if left untreated. Many people do not know that gum health affects not only oral health but also overall health and well-being. Therefore, it is essential to raise awareness about gum diseases and promote preventive measures.

Knowing about gum problems is important

Our campaign motivates people to talk about potential gum problems.

Regular dental check-ups and good oral hygiene are essential to detect and treat gum problems early. The longer a gum disease remains untreated, the greater the risk of serious consequences such as tooth loss and systemic diseases. Our campaign encourages people to talk openly about their gum health and seek help early.

Gum problems can be avoided

The campaign shows that gum health can be promoted.

Just like other areas of health, gums can be strengthened through conscious care. The campaign provides practical tips for daily oral hygiene and offers suggestions for preventing gum diseases. Regular brushing, the use of dental floss and antibacterial mouth rinses, and a healthy diet are important building blocks for healthy gums.

Successful care is possible

The campaign draws attention to care options.

Gum diseases are treatable, especially when detected early. The campaign presents various support services and treatment options that help maintain or restore gum health.

Read on to find out who the supporters of the campaign are.